Saturday 30 July 2011

Aqua Aerobics - Core Breathing Techniques

If you want to do a proper work out in aqua aerobics, you should not neglect the core breathing techiniques. Very often we will forget to breath properly while trying to cope with the exercises. As for me, I will integrate the breathing techniques from pilates while doing aqua aerobics, it helps improve breathing and strengthen the core muscle.

You breathe in deep through the nose, expanding your lungs. Then you breathe out through your mouth. You keep your stomach draw to the back at all times while breathing in and out.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Aqua Aerobics - Water Running or Jogging

For all exercises, you would need proper warm up first. Water running is the first exercise we will start off to get our bodies warm up. You will need to start slow, picking up the momentum gradually. Once you get the momentum, you do this for at least a lap before moving to the next exercise. If it is your first time doing aqua aerobics, you will find it a bit tough. Simply because you are not use to the water resistance which you will not encounter on ground.

There is a variation for water running. Running off the floor, is where you do the running without your feet touching the floor of the pool. In order to do so, you would need your abdominal muscle to keep you afloat and lifting the feet off the floor. This will work and strengthen your core muscle.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Where to Learn Aqua Aerobics

I am quite surprise that it is difficult to find a site that will give me a list of where I can attend aqua aerobics lessons in Singapore. The search results are just some kind of write-ups or online articles. Hence I have come up with a list of my own, so that those who do consider taking this low impact yet effective exercise have a list for consider.

These places hold continuous lessons throughout the years, unlike private instructor that requires a certain number of students and availability of venue before a class can be formed. Do enquire from the following providers for details on the course and check whether the providers are providing aqua aerobics in shallow water or deep water. The four providers have various club houses and centers, providing classes at various days and time to suit the needs of the members and public.

Since I used to be a member of Civil Service Club, naturally I am attending the class at Civil Service Club conducted by Ms Vikki. I have not attended others before, so it is for you to try and find it out for yourself which instructor do you prefer.

You may also like this post
Development of aqua aerobics in SG

Friday 22 July 2011

Fight bacteria in the kitchen

Studies show that bacteria contamination is widespread in the kitchen after food is prepared, with the most bacteria found on the chopping board, followed by the counter top, human hands, oven handle, refrigerator handle, dish cloth and tap faucets. Mothers out there, you play an important part to keep the kitchen clean and your kids at bay from the unnecessary bacteria visitation.

Chopping boards

It is best to use two different chopping boards: one for raw food and one for fruit or cooked food. Bacteria can reside in the crevices of chopping boards, so this prevents bacteria in raw food from being transferred to cooked food.


Whatever is in the freezer is deemed "dirty" and you have to wash your hands before and after handing frozen products. Avoid over packing the freezer so that products can be properly chilled. Raw food should always be placed on the lower racks. Any dripping raw food that is placed on top could contaminate the food below it. It is best to keep food in containers to contain leaks.


Towel dry your plates or let them dry into a holding basin. Do not leave unwashed plates overnight as these allow bacteria to germinate.


Use soft sponges on plates and bowls to prevent scratches and tougher ones to scrub away the debris on rougher surfaces. Rinse the sponge after use and leave it to dry. Change your sponge once every three months or when it starts to flake.

Cooked food

Cooking does not kill the spores of the bacillus cereus, which can be found in rice and other starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes, pastries and noodles. As the food cools to room temperature, the spores regrow after one to five hours, releasing toxins which can cause nausea and vomiting, or what is known as the "fried rice syndrome". Bacillus cereus-induced food poisoning is one of the most common causes of food poisoning in Singapore. Eat food within an hour after it is cooked. Alternatively, let the food cool down a little and keep it in the refrigerator. Reheat it when you are ready to eat.

Raw food

The salmonella bacteria is commonly found in raw or undercooked eggs, raw poultry and meat. Wash hands with soap and water before and after handling raw food. Clean and disinfect surfaces and cooking utensils with a dish washing detergent after contact with raw food. Clean the eggs before you store them in the fridge.

Packaged food

Wash your hands before and after handling packaged frozen food as bacteria is found inside and outside them.


Humans are the biggest culprit of bacteria transmission. People who are handling food should tie up their long hair, avoid hair clips, avoid wearing items and keep nails short. This is to prevent clips from falling into the food, items from coming into contact with the food, contaminated hands and nails coming into contact with the food.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Benefits of Aqua Aerobics

I heard a lot of stories that aerobics will make one look fat if you stop the exercise after taking it up. Hence I was sceptical about taking up aqua aerobics. I need some outdoor exercise that could provide some vitamin D at the same time. Why not jogging? Given a choice, it will be my last option. What about swimming then? I love swimming but I want to join some form of group activity to know more people and of course to have an instructor that make sure I have a solid 1 hour work out.

It was tough for the first few lessons. The body is not use to exercise in the water. Every movement is restricted by water resistance. Once you gone through the initial period, you will enjoy the exercise. When the body becomes familiar to the movement in water, you can chit-chat with your course-mates while doing the movement. Chit-chatting at the same time, makes time past easily. Before you know it, you have a full 1 hour work out without sweat. However if you slack, not doing it with proper posture and intensity, then you may end up burning less calories. A good instructor constantly checking whether you do slack is important. After all, you pay for the course for that purpose.

There are some benefits of working out in the water:-
  • Burn more calories compared to land based exercise
  • Help keep cool even on sunny day
  • Improve cardio
  • Improve flexibility, reduce capability for injury
  • Improved balance and posture
  • Reduced impact on joints
  • Reduced stress on joints by decreasing weight bearing
  • Tones muscles
  • Water pressure on the legs assists in circulation

All thanks to my instructor Ms Vikki Bte Jonied Annuar at Civil Service Club (CSC). Beside coaching at CSC, she does teach at Sports and Recreation Aquatic Centre and train people who wish to become aqua aerobics instructor. Found an articles about her at

    Wednesday 20 July 2011

    Consideration when opening live account for forex trading

    Forex trading are getting popular in Singapore. I noticed a surge in various media advertising on learning to trade forex. To begin trading, you would need to have an account. So let's consider what are some of the things to look out for when opening a live forex trading account.

    • Get a forex broker located in Singapore, so that it is regulated by MAS and the amount deposited is insured.
    • It should not impose any additional charges beside the spread, since you are buying and selling on your own. The spread has already factor in the fee.
    • Ensure that the rollover interest rate is based on central bank rate. This is to prevent fluctuation/ manipulation of rate.
    • It is better if account can de denominated in SGD, as SGD is still considered a stronger currency. But usually it is denominated in USD.
    • It has the option for standard, mini and micro lots. Some firms will provide half a mini lot.
    • Check the level of leverage and margin requirements of the firms.
    • Check is your trade filled at the price you asked for.
    • Firms may offer fixed or tight spread. If you are scapling, then select one that provide tight spread.
    • Most firms provide demo accounts. Open demo accounts of various firms to try out their trading platforms before deciding on a particular firm to park your money.
    • Check with people who are into forex trading for valuable feedback on how certain trading platforms are performng.

    Monday 18 July 2011

    Old Town White Coffee 3-in-1

    Taste better than Gold Roast brand but still there seems to be something missing in this 3-in-1. Taking another sip slowly...... do have slight coffee taste but yet the portion in this little pack is still not strong enough. If the coffee portion can be increased, it will be a nice tasty instant coffee drink.

    Note: The review is not to defame any brand. Neither am I paid to do any review for any particular brand. Just to share experiences among coffee drinkers who take 3-in-1 coffee mix.

    Sunday 17 July 2011

    Tips on buying/using skincare

    Read an article about skin care products this morning. It was a new discovery to me that oral and dental hygiene products are considered as skincare products. No idea whether it is classified the same in other parts of the world. But in Singapore under the Health Science Authority (HSA), cosmetics include hair, nail, skincare products as well as oral and dental hygiene products.

    The article was long covering pages in the papers. The source can also be located online from HSA website. Here are some DOs and DON'Ts when buying/using skincare

    • Always read the instructions and warning information before using a product. Look out for any ingredient that you are allergic to.
    • Try the product on a small area of skin first. It is generally safe to use if there is no adverse reaction after 24 hours.
    • Stop using the product if the product's colour, odour and texture changes.
    • Wash your hands before using cosmetic products. This prevents the transfer of bacteria from your hands to your face.
    • Keep your make-up brushes and sponges clean. This prevents bacteria and dirt being trapped in them, contaminating your make-up and causing skin irritation
    • Store cosmetics away from high temperature and sunlight, as it may
      break down the preservatives used to keep the cosmetics bacteria-free
      and safe for usage.
    • Store cosmetics away from children. Some products contain ingredients which may be toxic to children if swallowed.

    • Do not buy cosmetics from unfamiliar sources.
    • Do not be too quick to believe what you read in advertisements or labels, even if the claims are made by “scientific experts” or “backed by scientific research”.
    • Do not apply cosmetics to irritated or damaged skin.
    • Do not share make-up as this could expose you to someone else's bacteria.
    • Do not dilute cosmetics with water or saliva when they dry up. The moisture will encourage bacteria growth and contaminate your cosmetics.
    • Do not use cosmetics for other uses apart from its intended one.

    Friday 15 July 2011

    Travel Tips Before You Fly

    Most of us love to travel, but some will end up tired and burden with the expenses.You need not be if you just take a few steps before you fly.

    Create a budget
    This is my first step, bearing in mind how much I can afford to spend. It helps me to keep within my means, and yet enjoy my trip. Of course, if you own the riches in this world, you can skip this step.With a budget to stick to, you can prioritise the most important parts of your trip - a nice hotel, nice food, special sightseeing tours - and ensure you get to enjoy them.

    It's all about the booking
    Plan as far in advance as you can, so that you can get the best fares. The closer it is to the travel date, the more expensive the ticket will be.

    Tour package
    Tour packages can be great if you don't have much time to research your destination or you are not an experienced traveller. However you need to know what is or what is not included in the tour packages. Different agencies offer different tour packages hence prices do differ for the same destination. If you are someone who prefer to DIY your own itinery, be sure to check out varies sources for prices and offer comparison.

    Hidden costs
    Budget airlines are great and offer escapes to destinations at reduced prices, but beware of hidden costs. Baggage, meals, blankets, seat selection, and other fees add up quickly and fares can suddenly rival traditional carriers.

    Thursday 14 July 2011

    Save on baby-related expenses - BREASTFEEDING

    Often we hear from parents that milk formula form a significant portion of their household expenses. Why? Your new born child will need to be fed with this milk formula for at least 2 years and milk formula is expensive. In Singapore a 1kg can of infant milk formula costs about $40. When added up this amount can be a heavy burden for low-income family. 

    Some low-income mothers hence feed their babies with sweetened condensed milk mixed with water. A can of sweetened condensed milk cost about $2, no wonder those desperate mothers look for such alternative. It contains very little nutritional value yet with high sugar content posting potential danger to the baby.

    The mother's breasts produce milk on demand and supply basis. When the baby is not brought to its mother's breast often enough, her body will not receive the signal that it needs to produce milk. Although young mothers may struggle to get their babies to latch on while trying to breastfeed, young mothers should pesevere. Breast milk is readily available in new mothers and is also the most nutritious milk for the baby. Don't short change your baby who need the nutritious that can come from you without a cost. Remember to P.U.S.H

    Push Until Something Happen

    Tuesday 12 July 2011

    Swing Time

    This guy is good. He has nice choregraphed dances and do check it out yourself at his site. This dance is 48 counts, 2 walls, east coast swing rhythm (144 bpm).

    Swing Time
    choregraphed by Niels Poulsen

    Sunday 10 July 2011

    4 tips on investing in shares

    Don't get over-emotional over your shares

    It can be very difficult for one to let go, if one have lost money from a share price that has gone down. But remember most of us have only a limited sum to invest and we should put the funds to good use to maximise our returns. Holding to an investment that turn sour, it prevents you from using your money elsewhere  where you may get better return.

    When to cut losses

    You should set a target loss level. Once the stock reaches your target loss level, you need to take a good look at its prospects and ask yourself if there are any good reasons for hanging on to it.

    Top-slice your successful investments

    If a share price is on the rise, it is easy to believe that the uptrend will continue indefinitely. You can take some profit first by selling enough shares to take back your capital and make some gain. If the share prices continues to go up, you can make further gain from the unsold share. Remember what is in your pocket, is real money to you. Wise up and take some profit first before you loss all, if the share price suddenly reverse.

    Check your portfolio once in a while

    Shares are not to be parked under the bed and forgotten. It is important to review your holdings regularly to see whether they continue to make sense to be invested in.

    Saturday 9 July 2011

    Gold Roast 3-in-1 Coffee Mix

    I was disappointed with all 3 types of coffee mix from Gold Roast. I hardly taste the coffee content in the drink. Guess because I am a heavy coffee drinker, it is considered tasteless to me. Unless no choice, I will not pick them up to make a cup of coffee. For those who hardly drink coffee and prefer something light, you can consider Gold Roast then. My sister who is a light coffee drinker and just want to have a bit of the coffee favour in her drink, will love them. I am not here to defame any brand, just to pen down after trying the drink. Taste is subjective, so why don't you try them out first and share how you find the taste.

    Note: The review is not to defame any brand. Neither am I paid to do any review for any particular brand. Just to share experiences among coffee drinkers who take 3-in-1 coffee mix.

    Thursday 7 July 2011

    How to shop safely online

    Online shopping is getting more popular with Singaporean. You need not squeeze with the crowd and are not bound by local geographical. Shopping on World Wide Web means you shop around the world at the comfort of your home. Some tips to shop safely online:-

    1. Never disclose credit card information

    This is often neglected by users. Never give out your credit card information in an ordinary email or on an unencrpyted page. Ensure web address begins with "https" instead of "http" for web page that asks for your credit card information. Credible shopping sites use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt the credit card information send over the internet.

    2. Pay with a credit card

    Do not pay by debit card. If someone happens to gain access to your debit card online, they can clean out your account before you even learn about it.

    3. Saving credit card information option

    Many shopping sites are providing this convenient service to speed up the purchasing process. It is safer to enter your credit card information yourself each time you shop. Hence limiting the risk that your credit card information is being stolen and misuse by others.

    4. Using private computer

    Do not use public computer as you have no control over who might be using the computer as well. Be sure to log out from the site and clear the browser history, cookies and page cache.

    5. Foreign sellers

    Make sure they have a physical address. If they only have Post Office Box listed, it serves as a cue to shop elsewhere.

    Wednesday 6 July 2011

    Different types of bonds

    The purpose here is not to give a complete lecture on what is bond. It serves to achieve a quick general understanding of what bond is for those who have not much knowledge on financial products. It hopes that the basic facts will be useful to someone who is considering to invest, yet have no idea what financial products to consider.

    What is a bond?

    A bond is a contract or promise by an entity to return a sum of money after a certain period of time, over the course of which interest is paid.

    What are the meaning of terminology related to bond?
    • Bond issuer - Entity
    • Bond holder - Investor
    • Tenture - Fixed period by which the money has to be repaid
    • Par value/ face value - When bond matures, the investor is repaid the principal sum lent
    • Coupons - Steady stream of interest payouts over the life of the loan. Payout can be annually or half-yearly

    How to analyse bonds return?

    One have to consider the market price of the bonds and the coupons received, in order to determine the absolute return.

    How to compare return of different bonds?

    Use bond yield to compare return of different bonds. Take coupon divide by market value and this will give you bond yield (coupon / market value = bond yield)

    What are the risks?
    • Credit risk of bond issuer: The entity defaults on the regular payout of coupon, fails to return principal sum (worst scenario) or unable to liquidate the bond where market see little/no demand.
    • Inflation risk: In an inflationary environment, bond holders face the risk of having their real returns eroded by inflation or get negative return when inflation rate is higher than coupon rate.

    What are the different types of bonds?
    • Notes: Short-term bonds with maturity of less than a year. Returns are lower than longer-term bonds' as exposure to inflation risk is shorter.
    • Long-term bonds: Bonds with maturity of between 10 and 30 years.
    • Convertible bonds: Bonds with the option to be converted into stocks.
    • Junk bonds: Bonds with high default risk, rated BB or lower. Because of their higher risks, they usually have higher returns to attract investors.
    • Inflation-linked bonds: Bonds that have year-end payouts, in addition to the coupon, to compensate for inflation.
    • Sovereign bonds: Bonds issued by goverments.
    • Zero-coupon bonds: Bonds that do not give out coupon payments. Instead, they are sold at a discount to the par value upfront.

    Tuesday 5 July 2011

    Drinks That Beat Summer Heat

    In order to overcome the summer heat, volunteers in Japan are asked to keep hydrated and cool while helping out in the disaster areas.

    You can try Pocari Sweat. It is an ion supply drink which replenishes body fluid loss through perspiration. There are 5 pouches in one box. Just add one of the pack into 200ml serving to replenish fluid loss.

    Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa is not a hydrating drink, but it is effective to prevent dryness of throat and smooth the sore throat. There are 10 pouches in a box.

    Monday 4 July 2011

    Marriage Preparation Course by Touch Family Services

    You may think that you do not need to attend Marriage Preparation Course since you are married. Although some topics may seem familiar to you, it may turn out that you have a deeper insights into building a lifelong relationship with your husband. I do like to encourge those who have yet to attend Marriage Preparation Course to go for it. My sister had attended one organised by Touch. She was sceptical about it before attending the course. After the course she claimed it was one of the cheaper one offered in the market but not short change for the good instructors. I saw the changed in her relationship with her future husband-to-be.

    "Secrets to an Enjoyable and Enriching Marriage" aims to provide couples with insights into how they can lay a strong foundation for a lifelong marriage. This Marriage Preparation Course is run by husband-and-wife teams. Held in the comfort of these instructors' homes, the realistic setting provides a relaxed and informal learning envornment for participants to understand more about issues pertinent to marriage. At the end of the course, couples will be equipped with the right tools and expectations that will allow them to effectively live, love and laugh as one.

    A Wedding Lasts A Day But A Marriage Lasts A Lifetime

    Topics covered include:
    • Roles of husband and wife
    • Communication in marriage
    • Conflict resolution
    • Sexual intimacy
    • Financial planning as a couple
    • Relationship profiling

    Who Should sign up?
    • Couples who are exploring marriage, planning to marry or even those newly married are welcomed. All you need is the desire to lay a strong foundation for your marriage.

    How is the course conducted?
    • Instructors: Trained husband-wife teams
    • Venue: Instructors' home (various locations)
    • Fee: S$270/couple (S$70 rebate from MCYS after completion of programme)
    • English Class: 4 weekly sessions of 3 hours each (new class monthly)
    • Mandarin Class: 3 weekly sessions of 4 hours each (new class 2-3 times a year)
    • Class Size: 6 to 10 couples per class

    For enquiries, please email to

    Sunday 3 July 2011

    Blessings of The Cross by Billy Graham, Max Lucado, Anne Graham Lotz, Stormie Omartian

    Blessings of the Cross is a 40 days leaflet devotion based on blessings of the cross. A person who has never heard stories from the bible may not appreciate this devotional booklet. As each writer is given a small page to write on for a day, much thoughts can't be expressed on that limited space by those famous writers. However this little book still serve to bless those who do not have time for long write-up. It would help you to recall the blessings from the cross to encourage your daily walk with the Lord.

    Saturday 2 July 2011

    Keep dengue at bay

    Apparently there are 4 types of dengue viruses circulating in Singapore. Dengue-1 and Dengue-2 are more common in Singapore. Recently, Marsiling area was hit by a less common Dengue-3 virus. So what can parents do to protect your family from getting it.

    Every Other Day
    • Remove water in flower/plant pots
    • Srub inside pots to remove any mosquito eggs
    • Clean plant roots to remove any larvae

    Once A Week
    • Clear leaves in drains and roof gutters, if staying in landed homes

    Once A Month
    • Add sand granular insecticide into gully traps and roof gutters

    At All Times
    • Overturn pails
    • Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use
    • Do not block scuppered drains along HDB common corridors

    If Vacating Your Home
    • Cover the toilet bowls
    • Pour away water in pails and overturn them

    If Living in Dengue Area
    • Apply insect repellent everyday
    • Spray insecticides around the dark corners of the house

    Friday 1 July 2011

    Hand, foot and mouth disease - DOs and DON'Ts

    There is always the first time and as mothers, we may be at a loss. Hereby providing some of the things to be done if your children contracted HFMD.
    • Keep him away from all public places including schools, restaurants, playgrounds, shopping centres and public transport.
    • Look out for signs and symptoms in other family members, both children and the adults.
    • Keep his toys, books, eating utensils, towels and clothes separate from others.
    • Inform the school as soon as possible. This allows the school to monitor other children closely and take additional precautions to prevent the spread of HFMD.
    • Keep him at home until all the blisters have dried up and he has fully recovered, after the expiry of the medical certificate (MC) given by the family doctor.
    • Follow good hygiene practices, including frequent hand washing, cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
    For more information on HFMD, please visit Health Promotion Board website.

    Social Voi Solo Voi

    I love the music although I don't understand what the song is all about. May be you understand what the song means and love this dance.

    Social Voi Solo Voi
    choregraphed by Unknown