Thursday 21 July 2011

Benefits of Aqua Aerobics

I heard a lot of stories that aerobics will make one look fat if you stop the exercise after taking it up. Hence I was sceptical about taking up aqua aerobics. I need some outdoor exercise that could provide some vitamin D at the same time. Why not jogging? Given a choice, it will be my last option. What about swimming then? I love swimming but I want to join some form of group activity to know more people and of course to have an instructor that make sure I have a solid 1 hour work out.

It was tough for the first few lessons. The body is not use to exercise in the water. Every movement is restricted by water resistance. Once you gone through the initial period, you will enjoy the exercise. When the body becomes familiar to the movement in water, you can chit-chat with your course-mates while doing the movement. Chit-chatting at the same time, makes time past easily. Before you know it, you have a full 1 hour work out without sweat. However if you slack, not doing it with proper posture and intensity, then you may end up burning less calories. A good instructor constantly checking whether you do slack is important. After all, you pay for the course for that purpose.

There are some benefits of working out in the water:-
  • Burn more calories compared to land based exercise
  • Help keep cool even on sunny day
  • Improve cardio
  • Improve flexibility, reduce capability for injury
  • Improved balance and posture
  • Reduced impact on joints
  • Reduced stress on joints by decreasing weight bearing
  • Tones muscles
  • Water pressure on the legs assists in circulation

All thanks to my instructor Ms Vikki Bte Jonied Annuar at Civil Service Club (CSC). Beside coaching at CSC, she does teach at Sports and Recreation Aquatic Centre and train people who wish to become aqua aerobics instructor. Found an articles about her at

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