Sunday 17 July 2011

Tips on buying/using skincare

Read an article about skin care products this morning. It was a new discovery to me that oral and dental hygiene products are considered as skincare products. No idea whether it is classified the same in other parts of the world. But in Singapore under the Health Science Authority (HSA), cosmetics include hair, nail, skincare products as well as oral and dental hygiene products.

The article was long covering pages in the papers. The source can also be located online from HSA website. Here are some DOs and DON'Ts when buying/using skincare

  • Always read the instructions and warning information before using a product. Look out for any ingredient that you are allergic to.
  • Try the product on a small area of skin first. It is generally safe to use if there is no adverse reaction after 24 hours.
  • Stop using the product if the product's colour, odour and texture changes.
  • Wash your hands before using cosmetic products. This prevents the transfer of bacteria from your hands to your face.
  • Keep your make-up brushes and sponges clean. This prevents bacteria and dirt being trapped in them, contaminating your make-up and causing skin irritation
  • Store cosmetics away from high temperature and sunlight, as it may
    break down the preservatives used to keep the cosmetics bacteria-free
    and safe for usage.
  • Store cosmetics away from children. Some products contain ingredients which may be toxic to children if swallowed.

  • Do not buy cosmetics from unfamiliar sources.
  • Do not be too quick to believe what you read in advertisements or labels, even if the claims are made by “scientific experts” or “backed by scientific research”.
  • Do not apply cosmetics to irritated or damaged skin.
  • Do not share make-up as this could expose you to someone else's bacteria.
  • Do not dilute cosmetics with water or saliva when they dry up. The moisture will encourage bacteria growth and contaminate your cosmetics.
  • Do not use cosmetics for other uses apart from its intended one.

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