Saturday 2 July 2011

Keep dengue at bay

Apparently there are 4 types of dengue viruses circulating in Singapore. Dengue-1 and Dengue-2 are more common in Singapore. Recently, Marsiling area was hit by a less common Dengue-3 virus. So what can parents do to protect your family from getting it.

Every Other Day
  • Remove water in flower/plant pots
  • Srub inside pots to remove any mosquito eggs
  • Clean plant roots to remove any larvae

Once A Week
  • Clear leaves in drains and roof gutters, if staying in landed homes

Once A Month
  • Add sand granular insecticide into gully traps and roof gutters

At All Times
  • Overturn pails
  • Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use
  • Do not block scuppered drains along HDB common corridors

If Vacating Your Home
  • Cover the toilet bowls
  • Pour away water in pails and overturn them

If Living in Dengue Area
  • Apply insect repellent everyday
  • Spray insecticides around the dark corners of the house

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