Saturday 24 August 2013

How not to get drunk

Do you ever wonder why some people don't get drunk. 3 tips for you which may help to prevent embarrassing yourself at wedding or season celebration.

1.  Don't mix drinks

Stick to one. If you are going to drink beer then stick to it the whole night. You will not get less drunk, but less remorseful the next morning. The effect of beer kicks in faster than wine, so if you start to get dizzy or start to daze, it is time to stop.

2.  Count your drinks

Limit yourself to 2 drinks per hour. If you know you can't drink more than a certain number of glasses of alcohol, then limit to that magical number to keep yourself sober. It will save you from having a date with the restroom tiles (again).

3.  Be alternative

You can alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, to stay sober longer. Sipping non-alcoholic drink between alcoholic drink will slow down the rate of you drinking and keep you hydrated.

Some other methods that my female ex-colleague will do. She will get herself prepared for any drinking session that require her to challenge the guys. It works for her, but you got to test it out on yourself as individual's body function differently.

  • Don't drink with empty stomach as will get drunk faster
  • Take cubes of butter before any drinking session. Her argument is butter equals to oil, and works just like the concept of oil and water doesn't mix.
  • After every glass of liquor, she will drink many glasses of water. Her argument is to flush out the alcohol contents. Hence she does visit the restroom very often to release out the alcoholic contents in her body.

Friday 23 August 2013

Super 3-in-1 White Coffee

A familiar brand which one can find easily in Singapore supermarket. Having tried so many Super brand coffee before, it doesn't seem to be in my good books. But surprisingly, it seems rather nice. May be it was a day when I wanted something just ordinarily simple.

Super 3-in-1 White Coffee

Thursday 22 August 2013

How to protect your data

Here are some tips on protecting your data

“Shred” sensitive data

Use a virtual file shredder such as eraser (, instead of simply hitting the “delete” key to get rid of sensitive files. Shredders is available for free and help to permanently delete files so that they can’t be recovered.

“Wipe” your hard drive

If you are getting rid of an old computer, don’t just format it. Use a disk “wiping” application such as Boot and Nuke ( to repeatedly overwrite your hard disk with random bits of data so that any of your own data becomes irrecoverable.

“Lock” your private files

To keep your private files from prying eyes, you can encrypt them using software like Cryptainer LE ( Files saved in special folders created by encryption software require a password to be accessed.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Drink 4 cups of coffee to be less depressed

Read another interesting findings for those who love to drink coffee. Another reason for coffee lovers to indulge in coffee.

Ascherio's team studied more than 50,000 women who had an average age of 63, and none were depressed when they enrolled in the study. His team measured coffee consumption based on data on the women for 14 years dating back to 1976. They then classified the women according to how much coffee they drank and followed them for an additional 10 years.

The research discovered that those women who regularly drink four or more cups of coffee a day have 20 percent lower risk of developing depression than those who rarely or never drink coffee. Ascherio's own team has shown that drinking a lot of coffee may be protective against Parkinson's disease in both men and women. 

Click here to read the detailed article.

Friday 16 August 2013

Coffee can contribute to fluid intake

Read a Nescafe report that mentioned that a 150ml cup of coffee corresponds to 10 per cent of our average daily water requirement from beverages. This is something new since coffee is never considered as a source of fluid. Here is the extract I read from Mind Your Body papers:-

For many years, health and exercise experts believed that coffee and other caffeinated beverages, which are mildly diuretic, promoted dehydration and consequently did not count these beverages as a source of fluid in the diet. In fact, research studies haves shown that when taken in moderation, drinks containing caffeine have no greater diuretic effect than water. However, when it comes to keeping yourself hydrated, water is still your best bet. This is because caffeine can have side effects, which include heart palpitations and insomnia.

One moment a research report would say that coffee is good and the next moment another research report would mention the side effect of coffee. After all it makes me wonder is coffee good or bad for one's health.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Kopi can fend off liver cancer

It was reported in The Straits Times, Saturday, 16 July 2011 that the inexpensive habit of drinking kopi can protect one from liver cancer. The study done in Singapore, may be good news to the many who love to "la kopi" (in English it means stirring the cup of coffee with a teaspoon). The phrase "la kopi" is used by one to ask friend out and meet at the often frequent coffee-shop for a cup of coffee while catching-up with one another.

Researcher postulate that the liver-protecting properties of coffee come from two of the oils found in the beans: cafestol and kahweol. They are present whether your drink is a designer concoction, a kopitiam brew or mix out of a 3-in-1 coffee pack. The amounts of the two oils in the coffee, will depend on how the coffee is made. Those sold in coffee shops here, is usually prepared by simply boiling coffee powder in a muslin bag, seems to preserve the oils.

Nevertheless, one should not over-consume coffee. Over consumption of caffeine could trigger heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches or even panic attacks. It is still recommended to keep within three cups a day.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Home's Cafe White Coffee

Somehow when I drank this 3-in-1 coffee, it gives me a feeling it is 'Yuan Yang' (coffee mix with tea). By now you should know that I am not a sweet tooth person, yet given this packaging size, one would think that it tastes sweet in a normal drinking cup, yet the sweetness is just nice for me. The only think is that, I feel more like drinking 'Yuan Yang' than coffee. Other than this, consider rather nice white coffee.

Home's Cafee 3-in-1 White Coffee

Saturday 10 August 2013

Chekhup Ipoh White Coffee

This is one of those bigger satchet, where you need a big cup to make the coffee. Otherwise it will be too sweet or too rich to be made in a small cup. I won't say it has a strong aroma, yet there is a more gentle sense of coffee smell. Most will be satisfy with making the coffee in a normal drinking cup. There is more milk than coffee content. Generally still consider a nice cup of coffee to have. However I find it a bit sweet for me. It is just me, because I am not a sweet tooth person. I think it suit most people well.

Chekhup Ipoh White Coffee