Sunday 18 August 2013

Drink 4 cups of coffee to be less depressed

Read another interesting findings for those who love to drink coffee. Another reason for coffee lovers to indulge in coffee.

Ascherio's team studied more than 50,000 women who had an average age of 63, and none were depressed when they enrolled in the study. His team measured coffee consumption based on data on the women for 14 years dating back to 1976. They then classified the women according to how much coffee they drank and followed them for an additional 10 years.

The research discovered that those women who regularly drink four or more cups of coffee a day have 20 percent lower risk of developing depression than those who rarely or never drink coffee. Ascherio's own team has shown that drinking a lot of coffee may be protective against Parkinson's disease in both men and women. 

Click here to read the detailed article.

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