Friday 16 August 2013

Coffee can contribute to fluid intake

Read a Nescafe report that mentioned that a 150ml cup of coffee corresponds to 10 per cent of our average daily water requirement from beverages. This is something new since coffee is never considered as a source of fluid. Here is the extract I read from Mind Your Body papers:-

For many years, health and exercise experts believed that coffee and other caffeinated beverages, which are mildly diuretic, promoted dehydration and consequently did not count these beverages as a source of fluid in the diet. In fact, research studies haves shown that when taken in moderation, drinks containing caffeine have no greater diuretic effect than water. However, when it comes to keeping yourself hydrated, water is still your best bet. This is because caffeine can have side effects, which include heart palpitations and insomnia.

One moment a research report would say that coffee is good and the next moment another research report would mention the side effect of coffee. After all it makes me wonder is coffee good or bad for one's health.

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