Wednesday 14 August 2013

Kopi can fend off liver cancer

It was reported in The Straits Times, Saturday, 16 July 2011 that the inexpensive habit of drinking kopi can protect one from liver cancer. The study done in Singapore, may be good news to the many who love to "la kopi" (in English it means stirring the cup of coffee with a teaspoon). The phrase "la kopi" is used by one to ask friend out and meet at the often frequent coffee-shop for a cup of coffee while catching-up with one another.

Researcher postulate that the liver-protecting properties of coffee come from two of the oils found in the beans: cafestol and kahweol. They are present whether your drink is a designer concoction, a kopitiam brew or mix out of a 3-in-1 coffee pack. The amounts of the two oils in the coffee, will depend on how the coffee is made. Those sold in coffee shops here, is usually prepared by simply boiling coffee powder in a muslin bag, seems to preserve the oils.

Nevertheless, one should not over-consume coffee. Over consumption of caffeine could trigger heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches or even panic attacks. It is still recommended to keep within three cups a day.

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