Saturday 24 August 2013

How not to get drunk

Do you ever wonder why some people don't get drunk. 3 tips for you which may help to prevent embarrassing yourself at wedding or season celebration.

1.  Don't mix drinks

Stick to one. If you are going to drink beer then stick to it the whole night. You will not get less drunk, but less remorseful the next morning. The effect of beer kicks in faster than wine, so if you start to get dizzy or start to daze, it is time to stop.

2.  Count your drinks

Limit yourself to 2 drinks per hour. If you know you can't drink more than a certain number of glasses of alcohol, then limit to that magical number to keep yourself sober. It will save you from having a date with the restroom tiles (again).

3.  Be alternative

You can alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, to stay sober longer. Sipping non-alcoholic drink between alcoholic drink will slow down the rate of you drinking and keep you hydrated.

Some other methods that my female ex-colleague will do. She will get herself prepared for any drinking session that require her to challenge the guys. It works for her, but you got to test it out on yourself as individual's body function differently.

  • Don't drink with empty stomach as will get drunk faster
  • Take cubes of butter before any drinking session. Her argument is butter equals to oil, and works just like the concept of oil and water doesn't mix.
  • After every glass of liquor, she will drink many glasses of water. Her argument is to flush out the alcohol contents. Hence she does visit the restroom very often to release out the alcoholic contents in her body.

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