Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hong Kong, SAR Of China (Part 5 of 6)

Day 4 was a late start. There was warning news on the bad weather, and people were advised to stay indoor until further notice. After 1 or 2 hours later, the weather became better although it was still drizzling. Luckily the alert level was lower, and we were able to go outdoor. We had some simple breakfast before we headed to Ocean Park for the day.


We decided to visit Ocean Park instead of Disneyland, as we felt that Ocean Park will be more suitable for us. We bought the Ocean Park tickets at the terminal and queue for the bus to bring us to Ocean Park. A short drive and we were soon at Ocean Park to start the day of fun.

Bus Queue
Ocean Park
Ocean Park
Ocean Park
Ocean Park
Ocean Park
Ocean Park

At night, we shopped around Wan Chai area and treated ourselves with better dinning this time. We had sushi. Hong Kong has so much food to eat and try, so how can we miss buying some back for supper.

Japan Mi-Ne Sushi

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