Monday 10 September 2012

Hong Kong, SAR Of China (Part 4 of 6)

Being in Hong Kong, how can we missed eating Tim Sum. Hence we decided to have Tim Sum breakfast for day 3. Yummy yummy breakfast. The only unpleasant thing was an old lady who shared the table with us spat on the carpet.

Tim Sum
Tim Sum

Day 3 was set aside for shopping. We went into malls after malls, and out came bags after bags of things. We stopped by this shop for lunch. The serving was huge, so don't over order. Otherwise you won't be able to finish the food.

Corn Beef Rice and Fried Rice

After lunch we continued touring and shopping at Harbour City Complex (amaze of hotels and inter-connecting malls) near the ferry terminal and visited the Avenue of Stars. We thought it was going to rain in the night, and would miss the Symphony of Light. Luckily the performance started as scheduled.

Ferry Terminal
KCR Station Clock Tower
Harbour Area

Dinner was settled at a nearby store, so that we could find a good spot to view the Symphony of Light. We bought a number of desserts from the famous store Hui Lau Shan to keep us occupied while waiting for the Symphony of Light performance.

Hui Lau Shan

After the show, we did some more shopping around Ladies Market and Fa Yuen Streets. On our way to hotel, there were plenty of nice food, so we bought some back to hotel for supper.


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