Tuesday 18 March 2014

Ankle Fracture and Symptoms

Do you recall in your younger days, when you are injured you need not see a doctor and allowed the injured to heal by itself? Rather when we are young we think death and sicknesses will never knock on our doors. I personally have ankles injury from my competitive badminton games. I was stubborn back then, and settled for compensation recovery of my injury, instead of getting proper treatment. It only leads to regret that I no longer can enjoy the competitive games as I will twist my ankles easily. I can only settle down for leisure game of one or two now. Advice is get proper treatment for your injury before it is too late.

A fractured ankle can result from twisting your ankle or can occur after a fall or a car accident. An ankle fracture can also be sustained while practicing sports, most commonly soccer, basketball and running. If you have ankle pain and swelling, inability to walk, a 'crack' soung, change in ankle shape or bone poking out of the skin, you are likely to have an ankle frature.

As parents we should look out for the symptoms in our children, so that our stubborn children don't deny the treatment they can receive. Find out what you should do and the treatment if you suspect of ankle fracture,

Friday 14 March 2014

Will Singapore run exercise for water rationing?

If the dry weather persist, will the water supply be able to cope with water consumption of Singaporean? Although Singapore is currently self-sufficient, we should not be complacent. Unpredictable dry weather could otherwise catch us unprepared as global warming intensifies.

I am not the pioneer generation and surprisingly I had went through water rationing exercise before when I was young. I don't wish to go through a real life situation of a need for water rationing. Yet I do hope the authority do such exercise once a while to educate the public although many will find it inconvenient. It might just be the best way to once again remind Singaporean that we do not have natural resources, how difficult we have to buy water from neighbouring countries, opportunities to educate the young generations the history of Singapore to bring us where we are now so as to appreciate what we have now.

We do not need to wait until a crisis, before we take any action. Start today to do your part and adopt good water usage habits.

Thursday 13 March 2014

How to register for aqua aerobic classes organise by SSC

If you are interested to sign up for aqua aerobic classes organise by Singapore Sports Council (SSC), which are available at different Sports & Swimming Complex, you can check out the schedule at ICanBook website. It is a facility booking website of SSC.

When you see the below screen-shot at ICanBook website, you would need to ensure the course provider is "Singapore Sports Council", Programme is "Learn-To-Play Programme", Venue is "All" if you have no idea which venue (you can specify the specific location if you are only interested in a particular location), Activity is "Aqua Aerobics" and lastly indicate the date range you are looking at. Once all the selections are set, click "Search" button, and list of aqua aerobic class schedules will be shown. No sure, you can always call up SSC for assistance and further details.

There are classes are conducted by various instructors. If you are keen to try my instructor VIKKI IMELDA BTE JONIED ANNUAR, do select the class with the correct instructor's name. Do note that she is only conducting the classes at Sengkang Swimming Complex, Civil Service Club and private pools.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Aqua Workout Intake in May'14

Good news for those living in the North-East. If you like to give Cardio Aqua Workout a try, the coming new session starts in May'14.

Venue: Anchorvale Sports Complex(Sengkang)
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6.45pm and 7.45pm
Cost: $70 for 12 sessions (new intake in May'14)


You may also like this post:-
How to register for aqua aerobic classes organise by SSC

One Extra Hour of Sleep Makes A Difference

Does an extra hour of sleep makes a big difference in one's life? What is the impact or effect? Read for yourself  at http://wakeup-world.com/2014/03/09/can-one-extra-hour-of-sleep-affect-your-day/

Sunday 9 March 2014

Aqua Aerobics Instructor

Many asked me where I learnt aqua aerobics. As mention she is low-profile, hence can never find her profile on web search. After much asking by her students, Vikki Jonied finally got her FB page up. She trains aqua instructor wow wow, so I am fortunate to be have aqua aerobics under the master.


Welcome to my Vik's Fitness Official Page!

Promoting healthy lifestyle for of all ages through fitness and exercises is my aim.

Been in the fitness industry since 1995 and conducted Aqua Aerobics for at least 13 years on both shallow and deep water aqua exercises.

My niche is primarily on Special Population focusing on those with joint injuries, senior citizen, pre & post natal and obesity.Working with seniors with Parkinson Disease and assist clients with muscle strengthening & joints and post recovery.

Trained in Lifesaving and trained and certified under SSC, ACSM and Water Art (Canada). A FISAF Master Trainer for Aqua Instructor Course. Also a qualified gym trainer and Aerobics Instructor. Others include personal training, step aerobics, kickboxing, body toning, weight-loss program and boot camp classes. 

Saturday 8 March 2014

Category "Shopping Desire" has moved to new website

Yoyoyo! I am making another slight change to my blog. The category 'shopping desire' will be shifted to another blog, Zesty Shopping Desire. You can also visit it at its Google+ Page. Alternatively you can also view the new location by clicking on "My Wishlist" button at the top of this blog, which will bring you directly to the new site.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

9 Tips to Manage Heart Failure in Your Daily Life

Heart failure occurs when then heart is not pumping efficiently so less oxygenated blood reaches your organs and other parts of the body. Recognising the common symptoms of heart failure may help one to start taking action and prevent a heart failure. Some common symptoms are:

  • shortness of breath
  • frequent coughing, especially when lying down
  • swollen feet, ankles and legs
  • abdominal swelling and pain
  • fatigue

9 tips to manage heart failure

  • take medications as prescribed
  • cut down on salt (sodium)
  • reduce your intake of saturated fats and cholesterol
  • quit smoking
  • limit alcohol intake
  • stay active within your limits
  • go for cardiac rehab
  • manage negative emotions
  • travel smart

Tuesday 4 March 2014

How to boost your metabolism and lose weight

I never believe that dieting will make one lose weight, rather I believe in increasing metabolism and eating right. The first thing is to cut down supper and don't snack, eat proper meals.

Eight ways to boost your metabolism
  1. Build your muscle mass
  2. Avoid skipping meals
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Eat enough protein
  5. Go for an evening walk
  6. Get adequate sleep
  7. Imbibe less alcohol
  8. Get enough calcium