Friday 14 March 2014

Will Singapore run exercise for water rationing?

If the dry weather persist, will the water supply be able to cope with water consumption of Singaporean? Although Singapore is currently self-sufficient, we should not be complacent. Unpredictable dry weather could otherwise catch us unprepared as global warming intensifies.

I am not the pioneer generation and surprisingly I had went through water rationing exercise before when I was young. I don't wish to go through a real life situation of a need for water rationing. Yet I do hope the authority do such exercise once a while to educate the public although many will find it inconvenient. It might just be the best way to once again remind Singaporean that we do not have natural resources, how difficult we have to buy water from neighbouring countries, opportunities to educate the young generations the history of Singapore to bring us where we are now so as to appreciate what we have now.

We do not need to wait until a crisis, before we take any action. Start today to do your part and adopt good water usage habits.

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