Tuesday 18 March 2014

Ankle Fracture and Symptoms

Do you recall in your younger days, when you are injured you need not see a doctor and allowed the injured to heal by itself? Rather when we are young we think death and sicknesses will never knock on our doors. I personally have ankles injury from my competitive badminton games. I was stubborn back then, and settled for compensation recovery of my injury, instead of getting proper treatment. It only leads to regret that I no longer can enjoy the competitive games as I will twist my ankles easily. I can only settle down for leisure game of one or two now. Advice is get proper treatment for your injury before it is too late.

A fractured ankle can result from twisting your ankle or can occur after a fall or a car accident. An ankle fracture can also be sustained while practicing sports, most commonly soccer, basketball and running. If you have ankle pain and swelling, inability to walk, a 'crack' soung, change in ankle shape or bone poking out of the skin, you are likely to have an ankle frature.

As parents we should look out for the symptoms in our children, so that our stubborn children don't deny the treatment they can receive. Find out what you should do and the treatment if you suspect of ankle fracture,

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