Friday 28 February 2014

Watch out for signs of burnout

I frequently felt burnout without knowing why, guess these pointers are helpful to identify and prevent burnout for myself as well as having a lookout for family members, so as to live a healthy lifestyle.

Warning signs about one experiencing too much stress
  • Having trouble sleeping or eating?
  • Have lost interest in activities that you previously enjoyed?
  • Have persistent headaches and body pain?
  • Feel exhausted all the time, or fall sick often?
  • Feel anxious, irritable or restless most of the time?
Tips to prevent burnout
  • Start by identifying the stressors in your life. See if you can eliminate some of them.
  • Ask yourself if you are being unrealistic in your commitments or expectations.
  • Take a course on proper time management and/or relaxation techniques.
  • Get sufficient sleep as well as regular and balanced meals.
  • Engage in regular exercise, even if for just a few minutes every day.
  • Don’t hesitate to talk it over with family, friends, colleagues or a health care provider.

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