Thursday 27 February 2014

Development of Aqua Aerobics in SG

I found that over the year aqua aerobics begin to find its way to the people living in Singapore. People are more aware of the existence of such exercise. For the first time, my class has intake of 2 males and they are joining us for another season. Naturally I thought of writing another post to continue where I stopped in my first aqua aerobics post on where to learn aqua aerobics

Just like pilates, instructors are coming out with variations for aqua aerobics to make more money. I am still the die-hard fan for origin of the exercise both for pilates and aqua aerobics. I think it is the same for my aqua instructor, who believes in proper workout of body parts rather than all the fancy trendy stuff. My aqua instructor keeps a low profile, so you can hardly google her on the website, yet she has a pool of faithful students. Some are with her for more than 10 years already. She teaches both public and private (specially needs children). She was actually interviewed by some media, but I couldn't find them on the web. Only manage to find a short section about Ms Vikki Jonied at Run Society Website.

There are new trendy aqua classes available in the market of Singapore
  • Aqua Aerobics (origin or traditional aqua workout)
  • Deep Water Workout
  • Aqua Spin (latest in thing)
  • Aqua Pilates (pilates workout in water, errh wonder whether student can take the cold without warming up the body)
  • Aquarobics (actual land aerobics into water, different from original aqua workout)

Deep Water Workout
The difference between Deep Water Workout (DWW) and Aqua Aerobics is that DWW doesn't touch the floor of the pool at all. You would need to wear the float belt to keep you afloat all the time. The workouts are difference from Aqua Aerobics and hence also workout different parts of the muscles. The main advantage of DWW is that it allows athletes to carry out high-intensity workouts without causing undue stress on their muscles and joints. It is recommended for patients with arthritis, asthma, obesity and other chronic ailments.

The term is interchangeable with Aqua Aerobics but don't mix them up. As Aqua Aerobics get popular, aerobics instructors got interested and take up trainer course to become aqua instructor. At the back of their minds, they want to integrate their area of expertise on land aerobics directly into the water, to come up with a new variations for aqua. In simple term is basically take the exact aerobics on land into the water. But the danger is that they overlook the difference between land and water. Hence the workout cannot be exactly the same. Any side effect, I have no idea, as it really depends on whether the instructor is doing it for the good of the health/fitness or for $$$.

Aqua Pilates
It is the similar concept as aqua aerobics.

Aqua Spin
It uses stationary bicycles specially made to be submerged in water, where participants can pedal using the water resistance in order to exercise. Aquatic Spinning is a revolutionary way of exercising which combines the benefits of water swimming/aqua aerobics and cycling.

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