Thursday 16 June 2011

What drives your life?

Our lives are driven by something. Have you ever give a good thought about what drives your life? You may be driven by pressure from peers, fear of losing a job, ridiculous deadline or family problem. There are many circumstances, values or emotions that can drive your life.

Many people are driven by these five common ones:-

1) Guilt

Although what we are today is a result of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of our past. So don't let memories of guilt manipulate your lives.

2) Resentment

Many people hold on to their hurts and never get over them by rehearsing the hurts over and over again. Those who have hurt you, probably have forgotten and go on with their lives. Yet you continue to hurt yourselves with your bitterness. Let go of the resentment and be fair to yourselves.

3) Fear

Fear can be caused by many factors. Whatever the cause, it resulted us missing out great opportunities in our path. Simply because we are afraid to venture out and prefer status quo. So don't create a self-imposed prison on yourselves and prevent youreselves from realising your potential.

4) Materialism

Self-worth and net-worth are not the same. Your value is not determined by your valuables. Don't be blinded by the world's norm that more will make you more happy, more important or more secure. At a certain stage of your life, you will be wondering what is the purpose of pursuing more. So pursue something worth pursuing in life.

5) Need for approval

One of the key to failure is trying to please everyone. Don't allow the expecations of others such as parents, spouses, children, friends etc control your life. Don't misunderstand me here. I'm not asking you to do whatever you want without giving a thought to others. Hence give your best for all things and free yourself from the endless strive of earning approval.

Whatever the driving factors are, they all lead to the same dead end: unused potential, unneccessary stress and an unfulfilled life. I believed that many of you have asked "Why am I in this world for? What is my purpose in this life?" Instead of the many driving factors, you only need one driving factor - PURPOSE ON EARTH. Unless you find your purpose on earth, otherwise you will continue to have an unfulfilled life.

Fulfilled Life = Knowing Your Purpose On Earth

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