Monday 20 June 2011

Know your purpose on earth

Do you know that by knowing your purpose on earth, there is practical benefits? Knowing your purpose in life will:-
  1. Simplify your life

  2. Focus your energy

  3. Reduce your stress

  4. Give your life meaning

  5. Prepare you for eternity
Once you discover your purpose, you will channel all your effort and energy on what is important to fulfil your purpose. You will be able to make sound decision as to what to do and what not to do. You become effective by being selective. At every accomplishment of it, you feel that your spirit is lifted up and great fulfilment. You will realise that you no longer go around in circles, ending up asking what is life all about again. My wish is that readers will be able to discover their purposes and no longer declare "sian" (bored) about their lives.

"Without purpose, life has no meaning.
Without meaning, life has no significance or hope."
Quote from Rick Warren

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