Monday 12 May 2014

Treatment for head lice

You can buy the following products over the counter in Singapore to treat head lice.

1. Malathion Shampoo or Lotion
A pediculicide which affects the lice nervous system. Repeat treatment once per week until all lice are killed. Do not use for longer than 3 consecutive weeks. Consult a doctor for advice before using if pregnant or breastfeeding. Disadvantage: Flammable not safe for use in children under 6 months of age.

2. Benzoyl Benzoate Lotion
A pediculicide which one leave the medicine on the affected areas for 24 hours before rinsing.

3. Olive Oil
Smothering agent. Blocks holes on the sides of lice to prevent breathing, thereby killing the lice. Advantage: Few allergies, inexpensive. Disadvantage: Slow acting.

After treating the head lice, a few additional steps should be taken to prevent re-infection or spreading of the infection to other people.
  • Treat all close contracts and family members who may be infected.
  • Check for and remove nits in bright light (preferable in the day under the sun).
  • Removal all dead lice and nits with a fine toothed comb (lice comb), tweezers or fingernails.
  • Dip the lice comb in vinegar before combing it through the hair (vinegar helps loosen up the nits by making them less sticky).
  • Disinfect all brushes, combs and hair accessories in a lice shampoo solution, soapy water or alcohol for an hour or soak in very hot water (65 degree) for about 10 minutes.
  • Wash all recently worn clothing and used bed linens, pillow cases and towels in hot water. Dry them in a hot dryer for at least 20 minutes. Dry clean or iron any items.
  • Seal stuffed toys and other non-washable items in a plastic bag for 2 weeks or place them in the freezer (in sealed plastic bags) for 12 to 24 hours. The lice will die because they will have nothing to feed on.
  • Cover furniture with a plastic cover for two weeks.
  • Vacuum all carpets, rugs mattresses, pillows, furniture and car seats to remove lice and eggs.

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