Friday 9 May 2014

Symptoms of stroke

Stroke is a brain attack that can happen to anyone. Actually it is a form of cardiovascular disease but it attacks the brain. The brain controls various functions of the body and needs to be nourished by blood and oxygen 24 hours a day. The brain is full of blood vessels which carry vitals supplies of oxygen and nutrients. When blood vessel bringing blood and oxygen to the brain cells bursts or gets blocked, oxygen supply stops and that part of the brain starts to die. You begin to have a stroke and very quickly and silently.

The nerve cells in our brain control all our five senses including all our physical and mental actions such as breathing, moving, thinking and talking. So when that part of the brain starts to die, our senses, speech and understanding of speech are affected. One side of our body may become paralysed. One should consult a doctor should one experience one or more of the following symptoms.

  • sudden weakness or numbness of face, arm, on one side of the body or paralysed on one side
  • difficulty in speaking or understanding speech or slurred speech
  • feeling dizzy, loss of balance or coordination
  • mental confusion or epileptic fit
  • tingling jaw, clumsiness, loss of sensation
  • sudden blurred vision of one eye or both eyes
  • sudden severe headache with no other apparent reason

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