Friday 2 May 2014

Internet Explorer Flaw

I remembered many years ago when I was still using Internet Explorer (IE), I always encounter loading problem. However one is always stuck with it because at workplace it is the only browser available and user is not allow to download other browser because there is a software download authority access restriction. Thanks to all my IT colleagues, they advised the use of either Firefox or Chrome and briefly mentioned to me that it is not so secure to use this browser. So I have since use Firefox or Chrome for decades at home and on my smartphone, which give me better browsing experiences.

I don't bother with the news on IE since I don't use it, but it is still worth posting in my blog, as I know many people don't read news, yet read social sites and hence I thought this will inform those who miss the new on main stream news sites. The IE flaw was shortly release after the Heartbleed and made me wonder is virtual world getting 'sick'. If you are still using IE please read the following articles

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