Sunday 11 May 2014

10 signs your child needs to have an eye examination

Eye check up is just as important to kids as they are to adults. Here are the tell-tale signs to detect if something is wrong with your child's eyesight.

  • Does your child have difficulties focusing his vision
  • Does your child squint or cover one eye to see better when reading or watching television
  • Does your child hold his book close to his face when reading or does he sit too close to the television to be able to see clearly
  • Is your child under performing in school or does he keep making the same mistakes when reading or writing
  • Does your child complain of blurred or double vision
  • Does your child complain of frequent headaches or gets dizzy after reading
  • Does your child rub his eyes frequently and has red watery or swollen eyes
  • Do your child's eyes look very tired even when he has had enough sleep
  • Do you notice that one eye tends to drift or lose alignment with the other
  • Does your child turn his head to one side when he's looking at something

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