Saturday 19 April 2014

Sex During Pregnancy

Being Asian, we are conservatives and having non educated parents, they will tell you cannot have sex during pregnancy. However one should know that sex during pregnancy is safe and understand when it is unsafe to have sex during pregnancy. It is important to learn the facts, rather then being ignorant to them and endanger your life and the life of the baby.

At it answered the 10 most frequently asked questions about sex during pregnancy

1. Is sex safe in pregnancy?
2. Will it hurt my baby?
3. Will my sex drive be affected in pregnancy?
4. Why is my partner not keen on sex?
5. Will sex feel any different to me?
6. Bleeding after sex?
7. When should sex be definitely avoided?
8. What are the comfortable positions for sex?
9. Is oral sex safe in pregnancy?
10. Are there any alternatives to intercourse?

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