Thursday 17 April 2014


It is normal to feel sad at one time or another, due to disappointment, frustration or losing someone. Normally, people continue with lives after awhile, when time heals the sadness. However in some people, depression can be severe until it makes it difficult to cope with daily life. Depression of this degree is an illness and needs treatment. In extreme cases, it can lead to suicidal thoughts or tendencies.

Symptoms / What to expect
The following are the most common symptoms of depression. If you experience 5 or more of these symptoms for 2 weeks or longer, you are probably depressed.

  • Persistent sadness or feeling down or gloomy
  • A loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, such as socializing with friends and family, most of the day, nearly every day.
  • Loss of appetite and loss of weight.
  • Insomnia. For some people, on the contrary, they find that they are sleeping more than normal.
  • Feeling restless and agitated more easily.
  • Feeling tired and having little energy.
  • Unable to concentrate and think clearly and thereby becoming indecisive.
  • Feeling of worthlessness and quilt
  • Recurrent thoughts of death

Depression is getting more common these days. It is important to know the symptoms which enable us to identify the illness and seek early treatment, not only for ourselves, but also for our love ones and people around us. If you are depress, you must know that it is nothing to be ashamed of, instead seek help from friends and family members to get over it. Get early treatment before it becomes severe.

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