Saturday 5 April 2014

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is CTS? It is the abbreviation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a condition of hurt in the hands and wrists due to repetitive movements which wear out our hands and wrists. This condition is getting common in our world of technology, where we can't get our hands off the laptops, smartphones and tables.

Risk Factors
  • repetitive wrist movements
  • if your hands have narrower carpal tunnels
  • CTS is 3 times more common in women and pregnant women
  • more likely to develop CTS for people with diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis and wrist injuries

  • mild to moderate CTS can be treated with a hand splint or steroid injections
  • severe cases, a simple surgical decompression procedure can be performed under local anaesthesia

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