Monday 20 January 2014

Performance Pressure

Conversation between a man and workers as below

Top left box

Man instructed: "From tomorrow onwards, all of you are expected to lay 2 eggs by end of day. If the target is not achieved, there will be escalations from client and I will not assume responsibility."

Top right box

End of day, the hens replied: " We have completed today's task."

Bottom left box

Man questioned: "Why have you laid one egg today?"
Reply: "Sir, I've done at least that much for the fear of appraisal. Otherwise actually I am a cock!! :( "

Bottom right box

Real performance pressure!!!

Forwarded by friend and I don't have the rights to the picture. Hereby only sharing the great work of the rightful owner for personal purpose. Should you want to use it for commercial purposes, please contact rightful owners and never infringe the rights.

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