Saturday 8 September 2012

Hong Kong, SAR Of China (Part 2 of 6)

We started our day 1 in Hong Kong, by buying the Octupus Card and having lunch at Hong Kong International Airport. After recharged with the delicious ramen, we hopped onto City Bus A21 that brought us right to the door step of Metropark Hotel, Mongkok, where we stayed for four nights.

City Bus A21

We had forgotten to take photos of our room and the hotel. The view outside from our room did not look fantastic. But it did reflect the typical side of Hong Kong. We did not need a nice surrounding view, but a good location near to the the metro station. The nearest Prince Edward Metro Station was just a short 5 minutes walk from the hotel.

Outside View From Hotel Room
Outside View From Hotel Room

After a quick freshening up, we embarked on our first adventure in Hong Kong. We took the metro from Prince Edward Station to Central Station, then walked to the Peak Tram Station to take the tram to the Peak to have a good view of this beautiful island and visit Madame Tussauds.

Peak Tram Station
Peak Tram
Inside View of Peak Tram

It was a steep journey up, up and up. A tourist guide could actually stand without holding to any railings throughout the journey without falling, which surprised all of us. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and misty, hence we could not have a clear view of Hong Kong. Nevertheless, we still enjoyed the cool temperature and the scenic view from the Peak.

View from the Peak
View from the Peak
View from the Peak
View from the Peak
View from the Peak

We were glad that we decided to buy the tickets and tour Madame Tussauds. It was a price paid without regrets. We took plenty of photos with the "famous people". The afternoon was spent at the Peak, taking in the scenery, touring Madame Tussauds, shopping and having tea-time at Pacific Coffee.

The rest of the day was spent around Central Station, taking photos of buildings, shopping at IFC Mall and later at Temple Street.

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