Sunday 22 July 2012

Dili District, Timor Leste (Part 1 of 4, 2012)

My last visit to Timor Leste was in year 2010. I got to visit Timor Leste again in May 2012. What are the new changes? Hotel room rates have increased, this is bad news for traveller. New eatery outlets and new shopping mall can be seen. At the same time, some of the usual places we used to visit have either close down/ shift location or no longer value for money service/food. You can read my earlier posts on Timor Leste, where updates of the changes or developments are included at the bottom of the posts.

View of Timor from the plane
The airport is still the same, except that it has finally invested in a scanning machine. All baggages have to go through the scanner now. In the past, you walk through the exit without having your bag being check. This is bad news for us, as we bring in many items to the villages which face the danger of being confiscated. The officer do confiscate stuff without much reason. For example, one of our team-mate had her umbrella taken and the other had her torch taken. We concluded that these items may have looked nice, interesting, high-tech and unique in their eyes, so they like to keep it. Luckily, they only eyed on some items and not things like iphone, ipad etc.

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