Thursday 9 February 2012

United States (USD) - notes

There is nothing special about USD. It is a common currency where many can easily get hold of this currency. It is precious to me especially when you don't have money and landed with some USD for the first time.

$1 (front)
$1 (back)
$10 (front)
$10 (back)
$20 (front)
$20 (back)

Wednesday 8 February 2012

United States Trade Dollar

Here is another coin that ended up with me. Guess my grandfather kept them and passed it down. I do wonder if it is real money that the people used it for trading in the past. I always wanted to throw them away as I don't know is it worth keeping them. It may be fake money. Nevertheless I retained it as a memory that it is from my grandfather.


United Maxxico America

I have no idea how I ended up with this coin. Experts in coins collection, if you know the history of this coin, do let me know by leaving the answer in the comments. I am interested to know its background.

front and back

Monday 6 February 2012

Italy (Lire) - notes

Got hold of this Italian Lire 1000 note in the late 1990 when travelling to Italy. Euro currency was not in existence during those days.

$1000 (front)
$1000 (back)

Sunday 5 February 2012

Indonesia (IDR) - notes

$100 (front)
$100 (back)
$1000 (front)
$1000 (back)
$5000 (front)
$5000 (back)
$10000 (front)
$10000 (back)
$50000 (front)
$50000 (back)

Thursday 2 February 2012

China (RMB) - coins

Some of the old chinese coins passed down from my grandfather. I don't even know it is from which era. Do let me know if you recognise the coins are from which era.

Wednesday 1 February 2012