Saturday 24 September 2011

Aqua Aerobics - Line Jumping

It is not easy to keep your balance in water with this jumping exercise. It was tough for my first try due to the water buoyancy.

In class, we have a variation to this jumping exercise. The "noodle" is treated as a skipping rope and we have to jump over it. You can jump over it with feet landing on the pool floor, or jumping over it and back off the floor. It took me awhile to master the skipping skill off the floor.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Apollo Kopi Bijirin Barli

Instant Cereal in coffee and barli. We always have chocolate cereal but this is something new isn't it. Guess what? It just taste as good as Apollo Kopi Barli (in my earlier post). Drink coffee and fill your hunger at the same time is great. Can someone bring Apollo Kopi into Singapore and spread the joy of drinking this 3-in-1 kopi.
Apollo Kopi Bijirin Barli

Sunday 18 September 2011

Aqua Aerobics - Side Abs Workout

Side Ab Exercises in water can strengthen your core muscles. Beside the exercise in the video, you can try another variation, by keeping your body in upright position, bend your knees 90 degree, twist to the right and left. The ideal waistline is achievable? Nothing is true until you try it out yourself and see the result.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Apollo Kopi Barli

Given this by my colleague who bought it from expo food fair held in Singapore last time. Initially I thought it will be very sweet with its big packaging. To my surprise, I can taste the barley as well as the coffee. It has balance the mix of  barley and coffe well. Good blend of both in this Apollo Kopi Barli packet. It gives off a nice barley fragrance. You can't get it from Singapore supermarkets, but you can get it just across the border in Malaysia. Going to call my friend to get them for me.

Apollo Kopi Barli

Monday 12 September 2011

Aqua Aerobics - Flexed Foot

Another clip by expertvillage on how to do straight leg flexed foot exercise for water aerobics.

Friday 9 September 2011

Like Me

32-count, 4-wall intermediate level line dance. She simply make line-dance hip.

 Like Me
choreographed by Emily Woo (Raindrops) Canada Jan 2011

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Yunnan 3-in-1 Coffee

Have never tasted the original Yunnan coffee before. My first time taking a sip. It is rather diluted. But it has a kind of smell or taste which I can't figure it out. May be it is the taste of Yunnan. The Mocha favor tasted slightly better, but both are difficult for me to accept. Think I can't get use to the funny taste.

Original favor
Mocha favor

Saturday 3 September 2011

Aqua Aerobics - Cycling

Don't you think it looks very easy? It isn't difficult, one just need to maintain the correct posture by seating upright, to get the best workout out from the simple exercise in the water. Bending the body forward will make one move in the water faster, but will miss out working on some muscles group.