Saturday 14 May 2011

Viqueque District, Timor Leste (Part 2 of 4)

We had finally reached Viqueque district after about 6 hours of bumpy drive. At the sight of Beloi, sub-district of Viqueque from hill-top, we thought that just another 10 mins drive we should reach our base, never did we expect that it could take us another 30-45 mins of drive depending on the road conditions. During raining season, the road can get muddy and your vehicles might get stuck in the pot holes. Or the road may collapse, leaving only a very narrow path to drive.

Viqueque District
Car view of the village
The bridge kind of indicate that you are entering or leaving a village. You can see that the village is very much like the older days kampong in Singapore. Of course without the luxury of living in better building and toilet facility here. Watch for rooster, hen, dog and pig running across the road out of no where.

Car view of the village
Car view of the village
Gasoline Pump

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