Sunday 22 May 2011

Food poisoning - prevention, DOs & DON'Ts

The recent food poisoning case that hit childcare chain Pat's SchoolHouse, should not be just the issue of caterer. Mothers should also reflect whether they have been handling food properly at home.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with water and soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Store cooked food above raw food in a refrigerator so drippings from the raw food will not contaminate the cooked food.
  • Place food on shelves at least 30cm off the floor so that the floor under the shelves can be cleaned.
  • Keep nails short, clean and invarnished, and wear gloves if your hands have adhesive plasters on, so they do not slip into the food.
  • Avoid reheating food unless it was previously cooled and stored in a chiller quickly. If food has to be reheated, bring the temperature to above 75 degree C for at least 2 minutes. Food should be reheated once.
  • Do no refreeze thawed food. Bacteria multiplies during thawing.
  • Do not put hot food into the chiller. This increases the temperature there, endangering other food there.
  • Do not wear jewellery or watches when preparing food.

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