Tuesday 3 May 2011

Dili District, Timor Leste (Part 3 of 3)

Content : Dili | Places of Attraction | Shopping | Currency

Not much attraction in Dili, so this may be the only place for visiting and taking some photos. Just a short walk and climb, you will be able to reach the top to see the statue of Jesus. It is worth the climb and enjoy the scenic from the top. If you have problem climbing the stairs, then just stay around the beach and wait for the sunset (best time to be there).

So what about shopping? If you want to help the local Timorese, then do shop at Tais Market. Every shops sell almost the same items. Remember to bargain!

Are you a coffee lover? Then visit the coffee factory to buy some coffee beans or coffee powder back home. I think the usual pack is 10kg or 15kg. You can request them to re-pack for you to 5kg.

You can get the Solo Original Lemon and Spring Valley Mango & Banana from the supermarket. This supermarket is just opposite the flea market. Do note that the transaction currency in Timor Leste is in USD. However do not be suprised to receive change in Centavos (Timor Leste coins). They will not give you USD coins.

Avocado is very cheap at the following flea market. Hence many of us will buy back to Singapore.

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