Saturday 26 March 2011

Earth hour at 8.30pm

Young mothers, did you introduce Earth Hour to your children? Not to worry if you miss it at 8.30pm. You need not have to wait for Earth Hour in order to teach them to do their parts in saving our earth. Start them off from young, so that it will become part of their lifestyle. Teaching children to save energy, not only save you money, it will not pamper your children too. A few simple ways to start them off.

  • Use the washing machine only when a full load is reached
  • Use a fan instead of an air-conditioner
  • Use compact flurescent lamps
  • Turn off the tap while brushing the teeth
  • Turn off the shower while apply shampoo and soap Switch off light when you leave a room
  • Switch on the heater before you shower and switch off after you are done. Alternative, you can train them to bathe with cold water.

The list doesn't end here. I believe you have much more to add on. Do it together with your children, participation will encourage and motivate them!


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